Elementary Mathematics Education Journal
Papers & Issues
Jaroslav BERÁNEK | Mnohoúhelníky a jejich analytické vyjádření | Czech |
Polygons and their analytical representation |
Reza HABIBI | A note on dividing angles to equal parts | English |
Jana HNATOVÁ | Využitie technológie rozšírenej reality pri tvorbe a riešení slovnej úlohy z matematiky študentmi učiteľstva pre primárne vzdelávanie | Slovak |
Utilization of augmented reality technology in creating and solving a mathematical word problem by primary education teacher trainees |
Karel PASTOR | Zamyšlení nad pravidly soutěže Matematický klokan | Czech |
Thoughts on the rules of the Mathematical kangaroo competition |
Anton PRAYITNO | The constructing concepts of fraction: represented by circles, rectangles, and number lines | English |
Elena RAILEAN | Computer-based assessment as a method for enforcing professional competencies of in-service primary math teachers | English |
Büşra USLUOĞLU, Veli TOPTAŞ | Investigation of the effects of creative games and activities on mathematics attitudes and achievements ın prımary school | English |
Renáta ZEMANOVÁ | Rovnice v konstruktivistické výuce 1. stupně základní školy | Czech |
The equation in constructivist learning at primary school |