Elementary Mathematics Education Journal

Papers & Issues


Jaroslav BERÁNEK Mnohoúhelníky a jejich analytické vyjádření Czech
Polygons and their analytical representation
Reza HABIBI A note on dividing angles to equal parts English
Jana HNATOVÁ Využitie technológie rozšírenej reality pri tvorbe a riešení slovnej úlohy z matematiky študentmi učiteľstva pre primárne vzdelávanie Slovak
Utilization of augmented reality technology in creating and solving a mathematical word problem by primary education teacher trainees
Karel PASTOR Zamyšlení nad pravidly soutěže Matematický klokan Czech
Thoughts on the rules of the Mathematical kangaroo competition
Anton PRAYITNO The constructing concepts of fraction: represented by circles, rectangles, and number lines English
Elena RAILEAN Computer-based assessment as a method for enforcing professional competencies of in-service primary math teachers English
Büşra USLUOĞLU, Veli TOPTAŞ Investigation of the effects of creative games and activities on mathematics attitudes and achievements ın prımary school English
Renáta ZEMANOVÁ Rovnice v konstruktivistické výuce 1. stupně základní školy Czech
The equation in constructivist learning at primary school